Extraprise S.O.S.

Over the past decade, the Siebel application platform has evolved to the point where no organization, no matter how large or small, carries the complete technical expertise to adequately support a live production environment. Extraprise overcomes this gap in IT support coverage by offering a cost effective augmentation solution that uses 100% Siebel certified onshore resources. Extraprise S.O.S. provides your organization with a real time Siebel Onshore Support model that will be your lifeline for Siebel issue resolution - at any time and as frequent as your firm requires. Service offering The Extraprise S.O.S. - Siebel Onshore Support model surpasses the level of service companies typically receive from traditional support service offerings and takes up where the Siebel TAM service leaves off. The S.O.S. onshore capability allows clients to more easily leverage our team of Siebel experts beyond critical platform support and bug fixes for assistance with Siebel enhancements, upgrades, and implementations as well.Extraprise S.O.S. offers significant cost-savings by bundling the following services into a comprehensive retained model rather than engaging consultants or hiring full-time staff. The flexible model gives clients access to expert, senior-level Siebel resources from across multiple Siebel disciplines capable of addressing critical support issues as well as managing implementation projects and upgrades. There are no third parties involved and no calls routed overseas. Rather, clients are given a single point of contact at Extraprise S.O.S. to handle their requests. For more information about Extraprise S.O.S., please visit http://www.extraprise.com/sos.