Cut your marketing budget, not your strategy- part 8

For our last installment, we have the cost-cutting idea of leveraging every contact with your customers. Each and every touch-point with your customers, from mailing an invoice to waiting on hold, provides an opportunity to communicate with them. Be creative! 8) Leverage every contact with the customer. Look at all the ways a customer has contact with your organization and try to leverage all the relevant touch points. Postage is expensive, so make sure you optimize any mail-based touches. Statements, invoices and even the physical delivery of your product may all be great places to drop in a marketing message. Think about the inbound touches as well-- can service reps up-sell or get a product message across? What are your customers listening to on hold– music or the pitch on the value of upgrading to the newest version of your product? Treat every customer-related interaction as an opportunity to educate them on your products and services.