Sustainable Marketing - Part 2: Sustainable Versus Traditional Marketing

This is the second part of the series on Sustainable Marketing. In this installment we compare traditional versus sustainable marketing. Click here to link to the beginning (Part 1) of the series.

What is, and what isn’t sustainable about marketing? The following ten criteria summarize the differences between the traditional and sustainable approaches:

Traditional.......Sustainable Products............................Customers Price...................................Value People................................Process Campaigns.........................Access Leads..................................Sales Analysis.............................Insight Data................................Information Budget...............................Baseline Sometime..........................Real time Manage.............................Measure

The key distinctions captured in these criteria are the rapid movement to measuring realtime information to create immediate insights, and selling value-based solutions to customers. These are certainly not new insights. However, the two key clauses (converting real-time information into insights and moving from selling products to markets to selling solutions to customers) do not often appear together. Pursuing them as part of a single initiative with the other concepts outlined above, is a significant step towards sustainability.

Click here for Part 3 of the Series